— Quality Built Faster ‣⠀ ‣

We believe that housing is a human right that is not, and cannot, be fully realized under capitalism. We believe every human being is entitled to the dignity of owning their own beautiful home. We’re building a for-profit, share COOP that 3D prints walls as our business.

Who we are

<aside> 👥 A new technology venture by Kay Valley and Kemi Olomola. Kay is a university of McMaster graduate who in 2008 founded The Zero Point, an Eco Homestore, in Toronto. Her background is in Design and Build. Kemi is an experienced building developer from Nigeria.


<aside> 💡 We are looking to re-gender the construction site with Black and Indigenous women, an untapped labour source.


HomeBAnx is a Black woman-led startup supported by:


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What we do

We 3D print walls.

Using second generation building technology we 3D print homes with better structural quality at 13% less cost, in days instead of months. If your 2023 project is a mall, a warehouse or a special house, we can print your project faster, with better quality and a more cost effective price. And witih zero waste. Did I mention the zero waste? The computer calculates the precise quantity of material required for the project, so there's no waste.

Less waste saves money.

Social impact

We'll build out a 90% Black Woman work force with high skilled technical System Operator jobs. We'll provided jobs at a rate of 4 jobs per 70, 000 sf of build capacity We'll provide ownership not rentals. We'll all helpt to alleviate homelessness and reduce marginalization. Our plan is to develop a workplace with a culture based on science, respect, and transparency

Environmental efforts

3-D printed structures are built with concrete providing you with better structural quality, often at a lower cost than conventional builds. Concrete itself is not environmentally sound. Yet we are using it to sequester carbon and build more robust structures. We will engage in research to use other additives to make concrete instead of using sand which is a scarce commodity.

Considering using 3D technology for your next project? Consider us at the start of your project when you’re thinking about materials and processes.
